Having kids means juggling exams, sports, school events, parent meetings, and homework. Not to mention play dates, quality time, doctor visits, family gatherings, cooking and taking care of the house. In the middle of all that, as a mom, you are also expected to find time to fit in creative activities. And unfortunately, unless your kids adore that activity, it usually gets shoved down to the end of the line.
Then another problem occurs, the endless screen time. They need entertainment. And when you’re too exhausted, and who can blame you, sometimes it’s easier to let them watch tv or play video games. And let’s be honest, screen time is unavoidable for this generation.
But it doesn’t have to be the only option. How about some creative activities? It’s a great way to wind down and end the day. Sports are great for getting out their energy. But it can end up being too stimulating at times. But, music, painting, reading or writing are more calming activities. And they don’t need a lot of adult supervision so you can have some free time too.
A painting activity doesn’t have to be messy. Set up a small art corner at home with different supplies and instructions on what they can use and when. There are plenty of dry materials that are a ton of fun to use, but need very little set up and clean up afterwards. Writing only requires a journal and a pen, and some prompts when necessary. Listening to music and dancing around a bit can help them let out some extra energy before bedtime.
If you can’t take them to a class during the week where they can learn a creative activity, why not look into alternatives?
- Ask if your school offers an after school arts program.
- Or look into an at home service where the teacher will come to your house and give them the lesson there.
- What if you can find a weekend class when it’s easier and you have more time?
Whichever option you believe could work best for you and your family. Don’t let time be an excuse for missing out on all the amazing benefits for your child. And the little free time you can carve for yourself while they’re engaged in a healthy, fun activity. You’re already doing a fantastic job for your family. And those little, but consistent changes will only serve to make all your lives better. And please remember, you’re doing a great job either way. You’ve got this.